Worst Run of Life (176&177)

Remember how the other day it was gorgeous and beautiful outside? No? I’m not sure that I blogged about it either, but anyways it hasn’t been like that in a little while. At least not over the weekend. On Sunday after church, we went to have noodles even though I wanted Korean. Maybe that’s whyContinueContinue reading “Worst Run of Life (176&177)”

Toilet Paper and Tater Tots (170&171&172)

I don’t know how our wires got all mixed up; but here I was thinking we were going out to some fancy buffet, there Mom was eating a late lunch, my sister was jet-lagged all day every day, and LG was just on the way home waiting to see what was for dinner. Anyways, weContinueContinue reading “Toilet Paper and Tater Tots (170&171&172)”


Yesterday I had the longest nap of life, like a whole day could have gone by and I would have hardly noticed. I’m not a good napper in the sense that I don’t feel rejuvenated after a nap, rather I usually feel like I should have just kept sleeping. Hence the double post. After churchContinueContinue reading “134&135”


Now I don’t normally like to talk about things other than home and family, but tonight we had so much fun at babysitting. It was fort night (see what I did there?). She had such a great time, and it was an easy-ish night for me laying on the floor and playing with A. WeContinueContinue reading “109”

Day 95&96

Ohh! A double post! Exciting, right? These only happen once in a blue moon [read: nights when I’m tired or lazy]. I had packed a small container of some leftovers to bring to babysitting with me. The mushroom to spinach ratio was not cool – especially as a leftover portion. Someone remind me to addContinueContinue reading “Day 95&96”

Day 93

A has been feeling kind of down the last couple of days, so I met up with her before going home. We had a few side dishes to share. We sat and talked for a little while. Drama things. Grown up things. Funny things. Of course, after all that we totally browsed some handbags andContinueContinue reading “Day 93”

Day 89

LG left work really late tonight, so I was just sitting around waiting for him to get home. There wasn’t anything for me to prep since we were just having leftover sauce. I took the time and watched Hell’s Kitchen on demand and then some CP24 to get caught up in the goings on ofContinueContinue reading “Day 89”